Me Too

It's a sad day for man-kind, isn't it? No, what's actually sad is that we had to put all of you into jail just to get you to act like normal, decent fucking human beings- it's sad that we have to even consider that. Ah... Are you starting to get a feel for what it's like, now, to be dehumanized? Sucks pretty bad, huh? Again, I'm ashamed we had to get to this point. But then again, that's not my problem.

Don't worry about anything right now. I have your phone, and your keys, and your wallet. It's all right here with me. Your whole entire little world, it's safe with me. None of that is important right now. It's just you, in your tiny little cage, and me. I have to tell you a few things. I have a little story to tell you. Just a little info about why you're here.

Didn't anyone ever tell you that your actions have consequences? That this world we live in is real? No? ...

Oh, that's right. You've been gagged. In that case then, let me break it down for you.

There's the Me Too movement because there are assholes like you. Now, if you were a- a powerful banker, say, or a movie star, the girls would just trash your career wholesale. But, while everyone's watching the news about creeps like those, there's plenty of rats scurrying right underneath our feet, aren't there? And among them is a little tiny rat named Jim. Or that was your name. I think I like Dog better for you. How's that sound to you, Dog? It doesn't really matter what you think anymore. Good thing you're not a poet, because I am going to turn your brain into shit!

Anyways, we've got to make sure nothing is getting through the cracks, and that's where I come in, and that's why I'm sitting in front of you like this, and that's why you're in a cage. Gagged. Leashed. The whole nine yards. Don't worry; you'll get food and water every day, yup. I'm not a monster. I'll even take you out for walks when you've been behaving well! Yes, seriously! The highlight of your day will be seeing how you can possibly show me that you are rehabilitated. Once a day, when I come around with your food and water. Two bowls, just for my Dog. Maybe I'll just use one bowl... so you can eat your food mushy and slurp this water that tastes like crap.

I think this is a way better arrangement than our previous situation as anonymous acquaintances. We're going to get to know each other very well now. If you think about it, it's so much simpler. I mean, from here on out, you don't even have to be a man if you don't want to. Think of all that responsibility that's just been lifted off your shoulders. You don't have to think about pinching girl's butts and grabbing their pussies anymore! I mean, it's literally going to be a pain for you to have a sexual thought now with your-ah... With the way I've got things set up currently. The little cage within your cage. I bet that part hurts. The fact that it doesn't end, even if I let you out of that one. I guess... going to that party was kind of a win-and-lose situation for you, huh? Maybe I'll gift you to my girlfriend for her birthday next year! Yeah. Heh. Some party...

Also, like- was it really worth it? You can just nod your head yes or no. I mean, you do get to be closer to me, and that's something real special, isn't it? That's what you wanted, right? To be my dog? Why else would you randomly decide to grab my crotch in the middle of a conversation? Now, what I'm confused about is... you did that, okay, and then you said to me, "I know." Um? Know what? Like, wow, congrats- you're the first ever person on this Earth to figure out I'm transgender. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, Dog. What are you, the Gender Inspector? Great work, detective. A-a-a-n-d now that I have your phone unlocked... I guess everyone in your contacts list is going to know you're trapped inside a little cage like a pathetic and misbehaved dog.

*Phone rings*

Oop, I let me take that for you real quick.

HA. Is this your girlfriend? Oh, brother.


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