The Second Time's the Charm

The First Time I Had Sex

I was 22. She was 20. It was my first time. I stuck my dick in her pussy. She lay on her back, her arms rigidly at her sides, motionless. I thrust deep inside of her. She stared up at the ceiling. I kissed her on the lips, on her neck. I licked her ears and rubbed her breasts and sucked on her nipples. She let me.

I hiked her legs up and hooked her knees over my shoulders. I drove deep into her. I drove shallow. I tried thrusting into her at different angles. I tried different tempos. I twisted and tugged on her nipples. I kissed her belly. I rubbed her clit with my thumb as I thrust. She lay there like stone, silent as a midnight morgue.

I came inside of her and then I pulled out. She looked up at me hauntingly, then she said, "Thank you." And then she began to cry.

I didn't have sex again for three years.

* * * * *

The Second Time I Had Sex

I first met her when I was eighteen. My college roommate Nick introduced me to her as his girlfriend from New York. That's where they had both grown up, in New York City. She was in her first year studying Astronomy at New York University, but she had flown cross country for the Christmas break to spend time with Nick. They were both dirt poor college students. Neither one of them could afford to pay for airfare to visit the other that Christmas season. Nick and I had become very good friends in the short time that I knew him. I felt so sorry for him, too. He had contracted Polio as a child while growing up in Cuba, and the disease had taken its toll. He had a withered right arm, his posture was slightly hunched, and he walked with an exaggerated limp. And he was obviously severely homesick and wishing there was some way he could see his girlfriend during the three week break. I was rather poor at the time myself, being in my first year at an expensive college with no job. But somehow, I scraped up the money to buy the plane ticket that allowed Vicky fly to California to visit Nick. That was my little Christmas present to him.

I was dumbfounded when Nick introduced me to her. Vicky was tall and beautiful, with short blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She was slim, shapely, and rather well stacked. She had a smile that never seemed to leave her. I took an instant liking to her. I wondered how such a hobbled, scruffy looking guy like Nick could score such a hot looking girlfriend. But score he did! The two of them spent all of their time together, humping in my college dorm room, while I walked the streets alone, without a girlfriend, and being envious as hell. Yet I carried with me the wisp of a smile, knowing that I had done a good thing.

One night, when they weren't humping like animals, I invited Nick and Vicky to join me in a little star gazing. As it so happened, I was taking an Astronomy class that quarter, and I had keys and access to an on-campus observatory that housed a motorized 20-inch telescope. Vicky, an Astronomy major, was thrilled at the opportunity. She had never had the experience of viewing through a telescope that big before. When we got to the observatory, I let Vicky handle the controls that positioned the telescope. She was very excited. We looked up coordinates, she aimed the telescope, and the three of us viewed the Crab Nebula, the rings of Saturn, and Jupiter and it's four major moons. The viewing was so spectacular that winter night, we could see the color bands in the clouds of Jupiter's atmosphere. Vicky was so thankful. I liked to think I scored major points with her that night.

Five years went by in a blur. I never did graduate from Caltech. The level of competition there was simply beyond me. Everybody there was a bona fide genius, except for me. I dropped out after my grades sunk to abysmal levels and, after a couple of years of struggling with low paying jobs, I decided to join the Navy. I signed up for a six-year stint in the nuclear powered submarine service. The first two of those six years was all on land training. I was stationed on the East Coast, attending a training facility in upstate New York. It was grueling, 18-hour-a-day training and studying, but every other weekend they let me have time off to myself. Finding myself in New York, and knowing nobody else, I decided I'd hook up with my old college roommate Nick, who had moved back to New York City after he had graduated. So, every other weekend I'd make the 120 mile drive down to New York City to visit him.

I was surprised to find Nick living in a tiny, one bedroom New York City apartment that he shared with not one, but two young women. He was living with his old girlfriend Vicky and with another old high school friend of his named Giuseppina, but everybody called her Juice. Short and stocky, Juice spoke with a conspicuous Romanian accent. She was often slow to catch the meaning behind a joke, but when she did, she had a laugh that could easily fill the room. She was much more intelligent than she appeared at first blush. From what I assumed and later learned, they were all sleeping together in the same large bed, and he was fucking both of them. How does this guy have TWO women! I was jealous beyond all reason, but I was still very happy to see Nick again. And I was pleasantly surprised to see Vicky again, too. After five years, I hadn't forgotten her. She greeted me with that same smile that seemed to never leave her. She always looked right at me whenever I told my old college or Navy stories. She laughed at all my jokes. Even the stupid ones. It wasn't long before the highlight of visiting New York City on weekends shifted for me from seeing Nick to spending time with Vicky.

The months rolled by and summer came. I suggested that the four of us go on a long drive upstate and go camping. Nick didn't like the idea of sleeping on the ground in a tent because his posture was so bad, but he did like the idea of getting out of the dirty, overcrowded city. So we decided one weekend to go "soft" camping. We drove upstate for four hours and stayed the night in a motel near the woods. Between the four of us, we only had enough money to rent one room with two beds, with enough left over to buy junk food for dinner and a 24-pack of Canadian beer. Somehow, I arranged it that Nick and Juice would sleep in one bed and Vicky and I would sleep in the other. It was to be a purely platonic affair. We would keep our clothes on, go to bed and just sleep.

The four of us stayed up late, chatting the hours away and getting quite drunk on the beer. Some time around two o'clock it was time to call it a night and go to bed. Nick and Juice both stripped naked in front of me and climbed into bed. Vicky was dressed in a pair or sweat pants and a T-shirt. I watched with fixed fascination as she maneuvered the straps of her bra around her arms through her shirtsleeves and took it off without ever taking her top off. Her nipples made eye-catching twin points in the thin fabric of her shirt, and I could feel my cock getting hard as I admired the view.

We climbed into bed together. I was dressed in a pair of loose fitting shorts and a T-shirt. We slept on opposite sides of the bed, back to back. We were both very drunk. I had drunk the lion's share of the beer that night, and for me, the room was spinning. As the night wore on, I developed an incredibly stiff erection. Quietly, careful not to awaken Vicky, I slowly slithered out of my shorts and let my cock free. After a time of lying there with my back to her, I rolled over and cuddled up next to her, my throbbing hard cock nestled against her ass. I wrapped my left arm around her waist as she slept. Slowly, over the course of maybe an hour, I slipped my hand up under her T-shirt - just an inch or two at a time - until I cupped her breast in my hand without ever waking her. It was soft and warm and firm and felt like a little slice of heaven in the palm of my hand. Then I passed out.

I woke up in the middle of the night because I was feeling insanely pleasurable sensations washing over my entire body. I opened my eyes to see Vicky with her T-shirt off. I was lying on my back, and her bare tits were rhythmically crashing against my thighs as she was sucking and stroking my cock. It was the first time I had ever had my cock sucked. The sensations were all new and absolutely exhilarating! And I was happy beyond my dreams that it was She who was sucking me! I lay there with a face-splitting grin as she worked her magic. It wasn't long before I felt that familiar, ball tightening feeling and tingling sensation in the head of my cock that signaled I was about to cum. But I didn't want to cum in her mouth. Not the first time. I wanted so badly to fuck this woman, to sink my cock into her warm, wet pussy and make sweet, passionate love to her.

I was so drunk. She was so drunk. I somehow managed to get up on my hands and knees, my cock hanging between my thighs like the metal clapper of a giant bell. I rolled her over onto her back. She looked up at me and beamed me a smile that said, "Take me, Ben. Whatever you want...I'm all yours!" I placed my hand between her legs, and her leopard print panties were soaking wet. I slid them down her long, silky legs, revealing a nicely trimmed, full bush of dark blonde hair. I parted her legs and lowered my face down into her secret garden. I buried my nose into her triangle of soft fur and inhaled deeply. Her sexy aroma made my head go light and my cock pound harder. I licked her damp slit from clit to anus, and she moaned out in pleasure. I licked her labia, I plunged my tongue into her vagina and drank deeply of her tangy sweet dew. I sucked her clit into my mouth and her legs trembled. I licked her clit in steady circles and wrote love poems to her on it with my tongue. She raised her hips and her head thrashed from side to side when she let go a long, groaning orgasm and ground it out on my face. Grinning, I raised my head to see her flushed and panting and wanting for more. It was a night of firsts. It was only my second time having sex, but it was the first time I had ever eaten pussy, and it was the first time I made a woman come. I was so happy to know I could do that, and in that moment, I was so proud to be a man. But I wasn't anywhere near being done with her.

I rose up on the bed and straddled her hips. Then I took my cock in hand and slid it up and down along her wet crease. I moistened my tip by dipping it into her over-ready pussy. After tantalizing her with a long pause with the pulsing heat of my cock head pressed right at her entrance, I plunged myself into her to the hilt. She was so wet, so warm, and oh, so tight! I thrust my cock into her, and it was the greatest sensation of my life. I dove deep into her, feeling my balls crash against her ass with every thrust. Her hips rose up to meet my thrusts. I leaned down to kiss her. Our tongues danced in circles round one another. We sucked on each others lips. I fucked and fucked and fucked her, using every inch of the bed. We fucked so hard and for so long that we eventually fell out of the bed and tumbled onto the floor. Still coupled together, we continued fucking on the floor without ever missing a beat. Nick and Juice slept quietly in the other bed. How they didn't wake up when I knocked over that coffee can full of loose change when we fell out of the bed I'll never know. The can went clanging and the coins spilled out of it and clattered all over the uncarpeted floor. I remember how funny it was that I was fucking her on the floor and we had coins stuck all over our sweaty bodies. She had another orgasm on the floor. Her pussy walls clenched and fluttered around my thrusting cock as she came. She grabbed fistfuls of my hair and screamed out in ecstasy as she rode her orgasm throughout my relentless pounding. Nick and Juice slept on in the other bed. Or at least, they pretended to. How could that not have woken them up?

Weak in the legs, we managed to pull ourselves off the floor and stumble back onto the bed. I stuck my cock back into her and we fucked until the sky outside the window turned rusty orange with the imminent rising of the sun. I don't remember ever cumming that night myself, but it didn't matter. That night was the greatest night of my life, and second best was left a million miles behind. The sex was wholly satisfying in a way I'd never imagined satisfaction could be. I didn't make just any woman come; I made Her come. Twice! It wasn't just a wild night of pure animal lust. I think I was falling in love.

With the sun rising, we disengaged ourselves, put our clothes back on, and finally dropped off to sleep. We slept back to back, like the innocent little angels we pretended to be. If Nick and Juice had heard or saw us having sex that night, they never said a word.

The four of us woke up around noon. I had had the most amazing sex with Vicky last night, and I had to say something to her about it, but I didn't know what to say. When I finally got her alone, this is what tumbled out of my mouth:

"I had a really wonderful time with you last night, Vicky, but I don't want it to be a one night stand."

"I don't want it to be either," she said. And then we embraced, and we kissed a kiss so passionate I thought the top of my head blew off.

After that weekend, every time I drove down to New York City to visit, I always found time to be alone with Vicky. I'd make suggestions to Nick and Juice to go on little errands to buy drinks or cookies or something at the local store. The minute they were out the door, the clothes came flying off and Vicky and I were going at it like animals. We would fuck every second they were gone, right up to the moment we heard their shoes clomping up the stairwell to their third floor apartment. Then it was always a mad race to throw our clothes back on and re-shevel ourselves in the seconds before the front door flung open.

As the weeks went by, as it became obvious that I was spending more and more time with Vicky, Nick began giving me sidelong glances. But he never said anything. I felt so guilty. I was stealing his girlfriend away from him - the prettier one, the one I'm sure he loved more - but I was helpless to stop myself. I was hopelessly falling in love with her. It wasn't just the great sex. We shared many common interests and we connected on so many levels. I was certain that, at last, I had found my soulmate. My dark soul be damned, but I stole her away from my best friend, right in front of his eyes. She moved out of the one bedroom apartment with Nick and Juice a few months later and moved into a new one bedroom apartment with me. Nick and I never spoke to one another again.

I unfailingly drove down to my new one bedroom apartment in New York City every other weekend, and every other weekend Vicky and I made love like it was the very first time. I bought some cheap lumber and a router and built us a king sized waterbed. The waterbed monopolized every square inch of the bedroom floor, but we loved it. We made love on that waterbed every chance we got. A couple of months later we got married, on Halloween day, 1985. And for 33 years we made love on that waterbed every single day. I'm not very handy with tools, and that waterbed frame was crooked and the boards were warped the day that I made it. But somehow it has managed to hold together through all that humping through all those years. I still sleep on it to this day. And sometimes when I lie back on it and close my eyes, I can still see the two of us in our twenties in a long ago motel room, humping on the floor with all those coins clinging to our sweaty, naked bodies.

- The End -


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